Recent shootings around the country have left many reexamining police departments and policies. But Regan McCarthy reports its also led to a renewed focus on personal protection with increased gun sales and a legislative proposal to allow guns on college campuses.
The debate rages across the country as to whether or not law enforcement officers should have to wear body cameras. In Florida, the sponsor of a bill to compel cameras says it would be a win for everyone. But, as Sascha Cordner reports, at least one group that represents thousands of Florida police officers is calling the proposal and unfair – and unfunded – mandate.
A coalition of business groups, local government officials and healthcare industry people have joined forces in support of a plan they say would insure nearly one-million low-income Floridians. But they’re not calling it a Medicaid expansion. That’s something the state legislature has refused to do for the past two years, leaving many people in healthcare limbo. Now, as Lynn Hatter reports, supporters of the new non-Medicaid plan say 2015 could be the year lawmakers decide to do….something.
If you can’t regulate it, ban it. That’s the logic of a pair of Democrats in the Florida Senate. Jim Ash reports they’re applying that logic to the controversial fossil fuel drilling technique of hydraulic fracturing; better known as “fracking.”
The holiday spirit is in the air at the state’s capitol, and that means displays are going up. Some are a bit unique, but earlier this week [last Tuesday] Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam presented Christmas trees to the Cabinet. Nick Evans took a trip to the farm where the trees were grown.