A federal appeals court has upheld the constitutionality of a law that raised the minimum age to purchase rifles and other long guns from 18 to 21.
Senate President Ben Albritton says he is aligned with the position of law-enforcement officials who oppose the open carry of guns.
When Florida lawmakers went home after ending the 2024 legislative session Friday, they left behind hundreds of bills that did not pass.
Both cases involve the accidental discharge of a gun. Police say the latest shooting happened Monday near Riley Elementary School, killing a woman.
A Florida lawsuit challenging a federal prohibition on medical marijuana patients buying and possessing guns might have received support this week.
The Guns to Gardens campaign seeks voluntary surrender of guns that people no longer want for whatever reason.
State Rep. Christine Hunschofsky, the Parkland mayor at the time of the shooting, pleaded with her colleagues to keep the age restriction in place.
A proposal to ban merchant codes for gun and ammunition sales in Florida is ready for the full House. It’s already been approved by the Senate, largely along party lines.
Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed into law a measure that allows people to carry concealed weapons without a permit in Florida. The law takes effect July 1.
Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to sign into law a bill that would allow people to carry a concealed gun without a permit after it passed the state Senate on Thursday.