Caban says the center, a project of the Children's Services Council of Leon, will be a game-changer
Two seats are in play. The county commission will be reorganized on November 19th, before its regular meeting.
Ms. Louverne Thomas served in the Army for six years
The microgrants went to 419 households and 53 businesses
Caban was first elected in 2022 to represent District 2
As some elected officials spar over the agency's governance, others face depositions
Blueprint's money comes via a one-cent sales tax surcharge
Members of the Blueprint board differ on the projects' costs
Caban objects to Welch’s advocacy for a park for the northeast part of the county, which Welch represents. He sent copies to all city and county commissioners, the city manager, and the county administrator.
The commission will take it up at a future meeting, but some members object