A federal grant for $1 million will help Florida researchers gather economic data and create a decision-making tool for nursery growers.
Agricultural production losses in Florida from Hurricane Milton could reach $642.7 million, pushing the state’s potential crop and livestock losses from three hurricanes this year to nearly $1 billion.
Officials say some farmers may have avoided additional devastating losses from Helene because they had not yet replanted after Debby hit just eight weeks before.
The lawsuit argues the restrictions against lab-grown meat are unconstitutional and unfairly protect Florida farmers from competition by out-of-state producers.
The bills would also use some of the money to pay for clean water projects and keep agricultural lands from being developed.
Much of Florida's history has been defined by what we grow — think oranges, timber and cattle. A new study says development could threaten much of that heritage.
Officials say the Donaldson tree could offer relief to citrus growers across the state whose latest crop was the lowest since World War II.
The state agriculture commissioner and forest service director spoke Thursday in Hillsborough County about what has already proven to be a busy fire season.
Before the storm, citrus production was already forecast to drop by a third compared with the year before. Estimated losses could run as much as $304.2 million.
The U.S. Department of Justice says fewer acres were used during the last citrus season, which was the worst for orange production in the last eight decades.