Susan Giles Wantuck
benefits through the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Program are available to those who meet the requirements. Registration is open in some Florida counties now.
A court clerk says a loophole in state law makes it easy for criminals to commit fraud.
The cultural organization is hoping Floridians will take the time to write to people they've never met.
The state agriculture commissioner and forest service director spoke Thursday in Hillsborough County about what has already proven to be a busy fire season.
The park will unveil 28 new mermaid statues, inspired by mermaids who have performed there.
The study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that medications such as amphetamines and cough medicines may cause dizziness, sleepiness, blurred vision, and slow response time.
They are beta-testing the device after witnessing tragedies caused by drownings and near-drownings.