Jessica Meszaros
Jessica Meszaros reports on climate change and the environment for WUSF.
While the state is offering to pay for about 75% of the elevation cost through federal grants, one resident questions how stable the funding from Washington really is.
A vertically floating vessel and an underwater habitat could give Florida scientists greater access to oceanic research.
They have successfully killed the insect behind the greening disease in the lab, but the real test will come over the next three years to see if they survive in citrus groves.
Homes, cars, and streets were flooded with rainwater after Hurricane Milton, which overwhelmed stormwater systems.
The "halo law" requires you to stay 25 feet away if an on-duty first responder gives you a warning, and local governments have 30 days to respond to permit applications.
A federal grant for $1 million will help Florida researchers gather economic data and create a decision-making tool for nursery growers.
It's not too late to apply for federal disaster assistance. FEMA's Jovanna Garcia walks us through how to apply and what you can expect.
A school partnership began a year ago after the students discovered a shared passion for protecting sea turtles. The Cayman Islands kids recently visited to hear Jane Goodall share ideas.
Over the past year, 50 youth-led environmental projects have registered in Florida through conservationist Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots program.
The property insurance market in every other state seems to be headed down the road that Florida has paved. Here is Florida's origin story of this crisis.