The Florida Senate has approved wide-ranging changes to the state’s higher education system. Lynn Hatter reports it’s a top priority of Senate President Joe Negron.
It’s not only higher education that has the senate president’s heart. Joe Negron has also pledged to reduce the toxic algae blooms trigged by polluted runoff. He insists the answer is a reservoir to intercept and mitigate that runoff. But as Amy Green with member station WMFE in Orlando discovered, it may take more than one reservoir to do the trick and where to put them is a very sticky issue.
A Stand Your Ground-related bill is now teed up for a vote in the full Florida Senate. But, As Sascha Cordner reports, a bipartisan push to water down the bill is angering some gun rights groups.
The Florida Supreme Court is considering three capital cases after oral arguments in the past week. Meanwhile the House and Senate are moving ahead with death penalty fixes. Nick Evans has more.
A bill aimed at clearing up confusion around redistricting court cases is ready for a vote on the Senate floor. But there are still concerns the plan challenges the independence of the judiciary. Kate Payne has this story.
Florida lawmakers are looking into legislation they say would help ensure more voter’s voices are heard. Regan McCarthy has more...
Florida families are calling on the state to fully fund mental health services. As Sarah Mueller reports, social service agencies say the lack of funding for mental health care and substance abuse means more people incarcerated or living on the streets.