After much debate and controversy, Florida State University will change one building’s name, keep another building’s name as is and relocate a founder’s statue.
FSU President John Thrasher says he’ll ask the legislature to remove the name of former State Supreme Court Justice B.K. Roberts from the building at the College of Law Roberts helped create. Roberts also wrote pro-segregation legal opinions in the 1950s. Meanwhile the statue of University Founder Francis Eppes, who owned slaves, will be moved from Westcott Plaza to what Thrasher called a “more appropriate” place. However, Eppes’ name will remain on his namesake building on campus in light of his contribution to the school. There will also be multiple plaques and other means to put Roberts and Eppes in historical context. The recommendations came from a 15-member advisory panel on University Namings and Recognitions that was empaneled last fall.