The legislature’s proposed 115-billion-dollar spending proposal is receiving some pushback Democrats. Prior to the House and Senate approving their plans, Democratic lawmakers expressed concerns about the budget not including enough money for agriculture and rural development projects. As Adrian Andrews reports, another complaint? A lack of money to support the upkeep of state prisons.
Legislative leadership could be getting cold feet about a bill that would protect Confederate monuments. As Tristan Wood reports the ongoing fight over whether such monuments promote history, or hate, came to a head recently in the legislature.
A bill that aims to prevent so called “political flags” from flying in public buildings has stalled in its first Senate committee. The measure has been agendaed, discussed and subsequently put on hold twice. Regan McCarthy has more…
“Cultured meat” products synthesized from animal cells are either potential poison or the wave of the future. Tom Flanigan says that’s the debate now raging in the Florida Capitol.