Florida lawmakers are responding to a report on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting with a measure that addresses concerns raised in its 480-plus pages. Lawmakers say it’s a good bill, but— noting a divide over one portion that gives districts the option to allow classroom teachers to carry guns. Lynn Hatter reports, the measure is now going before the Full Senate amid controversy over the issue.
The legislature is working to implement a constitutional amendment that bans vaping in indoor workplaces. But another vaping proposal appears dead for this session, as Gina Jordan reports.
A bill filed last week would set a limit on the amount of THC that can be dispensed to 10%. The bill also allows military veterans to waive their yearly $75 dollar Medical Marijuana Card fee. Opponents don’t like the first portion and think tying it to the veterans fee waiver is bad policy. Blaise Gainey spoke with Dr. Mark Moore a certified medical cannabis physician about his thoughts.
Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Florida Commission on Human Relations, which was created by the legislature to prevent discrimination in things like housing and employment. Ryan Dailey spoke with Representative Geraldine Thompson, who prior to being a legislator served on and at one time chaired the Commission.
Today is the six month anniversary of Hurricane Michael’s assault on the Florida panhandle. W-U-F-T's Nicole Rogers has more on how cities are holding up.