Fresh Picked Prose
Sundays at 5:18 pm
Along with cotton and corn, pecans and pines, the rich soil of north Florida is good for writers. At Florida State University, we raise a good crop every year: memoirists, short story writers, essayists, novelists, journalists, cross-over poets--it's a delicious mix. Some of these young practitioners are doing degrees in Creative Writing; some aren't. Some have published; some haven't--yet. A few will become famous. Have a listen on Sundays at 5.18 pm and be astonished at how much luxuriant growth can be packed into a two-minute story.
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Amber Bixby is a first-year MA student in rhetoric and composition at Florida State University. Her research interests include public sphere and digital rhetorics, popular culture and nostalgia studies, and poetry. Amber also works as the Editor-in-Chief for the online publication Asterisks & Anomalies and has recently published her poem "Window Cling Art" in (a) river rising's sixth volume Metamorphosis.
Christell Victoria Roach is a doctoral student in the English Literature and Creative Writing PhD program at Florida State University. She is a Miami writer using poetry to build monuments to Blackness, Blueswomen, and the Southern Tropics. Christell is an archival writer producing creative work and theory surrounding her relationship to place, people, and living history. As a descendent of the TransAtlantic Slave trade, of Black Miami, and the Caribbean — her work is a love offering to those who survived so she could live.
Camille Louise Goering is a French-American multi-genre writer currently pursuing her MFA at Florida State University. Her essay, Malum Malus, won the Blue Mesa Review's Spring 2024 Essay Contest, and she is also the first-place recipient of Southword Magazine's 2024 Essay Contest. You can find more of her work at Sixfold, the New Limestone Review, Big Easy Magazine, and
Camille Louise Goering is a French-American multi-genre writer currently pursuing her MFA at Florida State University. Her essay, Malum Malus, won the Blue Mesa Review's Spring 2024 Essay Contest, and she is also the first-place recipient of Southword Magazine's 2024 Essay Contest. You can find more of her work at Sixfold, the New Limestone Review, Big Easy Magazine, and
Jade Jemison is a nonfiction writer and a McKnight Doctoral PhD Fellow at FSU. Her work focuses on motherhood, identity, loss, familial themes, and healing.
Marcia Bronstein is an MFA in fiction candidate at FSU and fiction editor of the Southeast Review.
Renee Roberts is a cross-genre writer based in Tallahassee. Her writing has been published in Catfish Creek and The Closed Eye Open. She is currently pursuing an MFA from Florida State University where she teaches first-year composition. Her work of essays on girlhood, trauma, and queerness merge with retellings of fairytales, exploring the thin boundary between memory and fantasy.
Rebecca Watkins is a PhD candidate in creative nonfiction at Florida State University. She is currently working on a collection of essays. Her work has appeared in Touchstone, Pangyrus, and elsewhere.
CD Davidson-Hiers is an FSU graduate and now a Florida-based journalist. She works for the nonprofit Education Writers Association, which supports those who write about education. CD is a Florida native and is most interested in how the place around us shapes who we become.
Chloe Rodriguez is a poet and writer, a South Florida native, and an MFA student in Creative Writing at Florida State University.