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Candidates for Leon County School Board discuss rezoning of school districts

A man and woman are seated in front of microphones at a black-clothed table staring at each other.
Lydell Rawls
WFSU Public Media
Rosanne Wood and Daniel Zeruto face off in a candidate forum at WFSU Public Media's studio.

Candidates for the Leon County School Board from District 2 discussed student absenteeism, cell phones in the classroom, teacher pay and more at a candidate forum held Wednesday at the WFSU studio and co-hosted by the Tallahassee Democrat and the League of Women Voters. Margie Menzel has this report:

Rosanne Wood is the two-term incumbent, challenged by Daniel Zeruto. She’s been in the Leon County schools as a teacher, a principal and a school board member. He’s a PTO dad who’s been on the school advisory council and the district advisory council.

One hot potato was the question of whether it’s time for the school district to talk about rezoning. That might anger people who moved so their kids can attend a particular school, but some schools are maxed out while others are not. Here’s Rosanne Wood, followed by Daniel Zeruto:

“I think we need to make sure that everyone understands the high-quality schools we have and innovate wherever we can to attract people to the schools in their zone,” said Wood.

“If you’re talking about affordable housing, those are typically in areas where scales and economies tell them that ‘I can only afford a $200,000 house. I want to be in Golden Eagle, but I can’t get there,’” said Zeruto.



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Margie Menzel covers local and state government for WFSU News. She has also worked at the News Service of Florida and Gannett News Service. She earned her B.A. in history at Vanderbilt University and her M.S. in journalism at Florida A&M University.