U-S News and World Report rankings are widely respected when it comes to educational institutions. But the magazine also ranks the nation’s hospitals and Tallahassee Memorial has now made it into the upper tier of those rankings.
TMH made it into the top-25 list of Florida hospitals. The hospital’s Vice President and Chief Improvement Officer Jana Iezzi-Tumblin said the assessment is highly coveted.
“This one is globally recognized, which is nice, because from a consumer standpoint it’s a name and a brand and something that everyone can associate with. (It’s) good information and the intention is - it says it on their web site - to give consumers information so they can make good decisions about their healthcare.”
The rankings are based on several performance measures, including patient survival, complication rates, patient experience and level of nursing care. TMH's “best hospital” designation places it in the upper tier of the 4,500 hospitals in the country that were included in the survey.