The United Church in Tallahassee dedicated its annual Artisan Market on Saturday, Nov. 2 to help Hurricane Michael victims. That included the auctioning off of a large hand-made quilt.
Church member Cathy Hines said the Artisan Market always supports worthy causes.
“It’s kind of our community outreach,” she explained. “We like to welcome people with our baked goods and let them know how many different organizations we support here at the church.”
Market Co-chair Julie Stewart adding there is a special prime cause this year.
“Our big project this year is raising funds to help the victims of Hurricane Michael in the Panhandle region.”
Both Hines and Stewart are members of the church's sewing group "The Grateful Threads." They created a giant 7 by 8 foot quilt they called "Stars Fell on North Florida." It and several other silent auction items raised thousands of dollars for storm recovery.