By Tom Flanigan
Tallahassee, FL – The March of Dimes of the Big Bend's 2011 campaign is officially underway. Tom Flanigan says the kickoff took place Tuesday during a luncheon at Tallahassee's Antique Car Museum.
The faces behind this year's March of Dimes campaign include the Gnatt (Natt) family of Tallahassee. Bambi Gnatt's twins came three months early when they were born two years ago.
"She was one-and-a-half pounds, he was two pounds-three ounces. And they were both right at about a foot long from head-to-toe. And they couldn't breathe on their own and couldn't maintain their temperatures. Their digestive systems weren't far enough along for them to digest food "
The children also had persistent infections. Today, they're healthy and happy, but Gnatt says that wouldn't have happened without help from the March of Dimes. This year's local March for Babies walk is set for April thirtieth at Tallahassee Community College. Event Chair Karen Moore says it has an ambitious goal
"We are looking to exceed last year by several thousand dollars, so what we'd like for this year is to raise two-hundred-and twenty-thousand dollars on the day of our march."
The March of Dimes funds research, community services, education and advocacy to prevent birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.The local March of Dimes campaign kicked off Tuesday during a luncheon at Tallahassee's Antique Car Museum. This year's March for Babies will take place April thirtieth at Tallahassee Community College.Fundraising goal for the event is two-hundred and twenty-thousand dollars.