Florida is asking the federal government to cap its funding to the state’s Medicaid program. Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Republican lawmakers say that…
On paper, Florida’s economy has recovered since the great recession. But that progress isn’t obvious looking at the state’s public assistance enrollment.…
When officials calculate a family’s income to determine whether they qualify for cash assistance programs, one lawmaker says current rules give families…
A federal appeals court has thrown out a 2011 law requiring the drug testing of Florida welfare recipients. Governor Rick Scott has backed efforts to…
Low-income families who receive benefits via electronic cards issued by Florida’s Department of Children and Families spent most of Monday in the dark,…
In the next couple of weeks, a service center that helps people apply for benefits in Jefferson County will close its doors. It’s a cost-saving measure by…
Florida’s regional workforce boards help connect employers with workers. In addition to providing career training, the boards are also charged with…
A bill that would deny convicted drug felons from receiving temporary cash assistance, unless they go through a drug rehabilitation program, is now…
A proposal limiting when, for what and where the state’s food and cash assistance benefits, also known as welfare, can be used, has passed a House…