Sarah Mueller
ReporterSarah Mueller is a journalist who has worked for media outlets in several states since 2010. She earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism in 2010 and worked as a print reporter covering local government and politics. She earned a master’s degree in Public Affairs Reporting in 2016 and began covering state government and politics for public radio member stations in Illinois, Florida and Delaware. Sarah is now a freelance reporter in Florida and is studying documentary filmmaking.
Florida’s new restrictions on discussions of race, diversity, and LGBTQ issues in classrooms have some teachers and school districts worried that partisan politics are seeping over into schools. Critics of those new policies say they’re contributing to a massive increase in teacher vacancies.
More than a hundred people attended an Agency for Healthcare Administration hearing in Tallahassee on a proposed rule prohibiting the state’s Medicaid program from covering gender-affirming treatments.
The Department of Education released Math and English Language Arts statewide test scores this week. Jefferson County School District had the lowest third grade English Language Arts score and the lowest high school Geometry score in the state. The results come as local school officials prepare to regain control of the Jefferson school district Friday from charter school operator Somerset Academy.
SCOTUS ruling overturning Roe sends the abortion issue to states. What are Florida politicos saying?Florida lawmakers, advocates and nonprofit organizations are reacting to the U.S. Supreme Court decision Friday that strikes down a constitutional right to abortion. The reversal of a 49-year-old precedent leaves it up to each state to regulate abortion, meaning, the availability of the procedure will depend on that state’s laws and judicial processes.
The Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration has proposed a rule that would prohibit Medicaid from covering transgender care. The proposed Medicaid rule finds gender-affirming care is “medically unnecessary.”
School districts across Florida are working to implement a new state law that bans classroom instruction of sexual identity and gender orientation in grades K-3 and potentially in other grades as well. But they’re facing a lack of clarity on how to put policies in place to comply with the new mandate.
For the second year in a row, the district's 3rd grade reading scores were the state's lowest
Gov. Ron DeSantis has approved new laws the state hopes will calm a chaotic property insurance market, and eventually lead to rate decreases for homeowners. But some lawmakers and industry analysts say they worry the packages don’t deliver relief fast enough and don’t go far enough for property owners to see a difference.
The Florida Senate on Tuesday approved a sweeping legislative package meant to combat rising property insurance rates and other problems in the state’s turbulent insurance market, creating a $2 billion reinsurance fund and writing new rules around coverage denials and attorney fees.