Scientists from the U.S. and other countries study the impact of acidification in the Gulf of MexicoAcidification is “not terribly bad right now” in the Gulf, but due to climate change, the water will likely become more acidic in the future. This threatens the estimated $2.04 trillion annual marine economy.
Gov. Ron DeSantis said this week he'd be "raising Cain" if national plans for oil drilling include Florida waters, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico. The…
Monday marks the beginning of the recreational Red Snapper Season in Florida. Lasting until July 20th in Gulf and Federal waters, this season is unique to…
Florida’s offshore drilling concerns have made headlines recently. And now, nearly 80 years into the industry’s existence in Florida, state government…
The Pew Charitable Trusts believes a federal decision extending recreational fishing of the Gulf red snapper could lead to overfishing this year, and the…
New research shows pollution in the Gulf of Mexico is coming from a source close to home: our closets. A team of scientists say plastic microfibers in…
Marine lives are at risk and The Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory needs help, fast.The non-profit educational center has entered crisis mode after the…
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is trying to determine the popularity of reef fishing. The move is in response to a request from…
The first report of lionfish in the Gulf of Mexico came two years ago. Compared to the first sighting over twenty years ago in the Atlantic Ocean, the…