Joyce Russell
Joyce Russell is a correspondent based at the Iowa Statehouse. Joyce has been covering the Iowa Statehouse since shortly after joining the news staff at WOI Radio in 1988. Her earlier broadcasting experience included news reporting at commercial stations in Oklahoma City and Fort Wayne, Indiana. Joyce’s reports can be heard on National Public Radio and American Public Media programs including All Things Considered, Morning Edition, and Marketplace. She covered the last six Iowa caucus campaigns and interviewed numerous candidates for president, including some who went on to attain the highest office in the land.
Joyce has a bachelor’s degree in English from Saint Louis University and a master’s degree in English from the University of Oklahoma.
Joyce’s favorite public radio program is Fresh Air.
Smartphone and registration, please. Iowa is developing an app that would allow drivers to access a digitally encoded license instead of a conventional plastic ID card.
Democratic senators Dick Durbin and Tom Harkin went to Republican Rep. Steve King's Iowa district on Friday to refute his statement about "Dreamers" — young people brought to the U.S. by undocumented parents — that even some top Republicans called outrageous.
A battle is under way in Iowa over whether a state Supreme Court justice can keep his job. Critics have launched an all-out campaign to throw him off the bench because of his ruling three years ago clearing the way for same-sex marriage. The judge's supporters are fighting back, in a fashion.
The Family Leader, an influential social conservative organization based in Iowa, has decided to remain neutral in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. But the group's founder, Bob Vander Plaats, surprised many political observers Tuesday by throwing his support to former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.