Jessica Meszaros
Jessica Meszaros reports on climate change and the environment for WUSF.
The Miami area has the highest documented levels of PFAS chemicals in drinking water in Florida.
Federal wildlife officials protected areas where bonneted bats now live. Advocates say protections should go further due to eventual migration caused by climate change.
"If we don't manage them properly, then those seagrasses will be less resilient, and we could potentially degrade a very, very valuable habitat," said Tom Frazer of USF.
In 2022, the top items collected during the International Coastal Cleanup were cigarette butts, plastic bottles, food wrappers, bottle caps, plastic bags, foam and plastic food containers, paper cups and plates, and plastic straws or stirrers.
Global transportation and trade, compounded by people continuing to alter the local environment, have led to the spread of mosquitoes. But how will these insects deal with a warming world?
Earth breached a key temperature recently. A climate scientist explains how this warming and consequent weather patterns could impact the hurricane season that begins June 1.
Floridians experienced some of the hottest summer months ever last year, and early indications show similar conditions are on tap this year.
More than 90% of those who participated in a 2021 state survey said it's necessary for local governments to regulate single-use plastic, but proposed legislation would limit those powers.
“If we see that these two effluent sources can stimulate growth in Karenia brevis, then we can potentially target these nutrients and prevent them from entering bloom impacted waters," said Amanda Muni-Morgan of UF.
"Seagrass die-off has happened before in Florida... But this is the first time it's really been simultaneous in all five major estuaries," said Bill Kearney of the South Florida Sun Sentinel.