Report cards are in for the state’s elementary and middle schools. The Florida Department of Educations’ preliminary report shows an almost 20 percent drop in the number of A-rated schools.
The number of A-rated schools in Florida dropped by 492 from last year, a 19-percent decline. The drop came even after the state board instituted a rule preventing schools from falling more than a letter—meaning some schools could have fallen further.
The number of B,C,D, and F, schools also rose, but not by as much a was predicted before the safety net rule was adopted.
Half of Leon County’s elementary and middle schools earned A’s and B’s. But 4 schools: Oakridge and Bond Elementary and Griffin and Nims Middle School—received D’s. Bond would have been an F- school this year, but was spared by the state’s safety net rule.
The 2013 results are preliminary because districts can appeal those grades to the state board of education.
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