Tallahassee State College brought its 4th Annual History Festival to Kleman Plaza on Saturday, March 22. The event had plenty of historical information and performances.
One of those performances was by a live fife and drum corps. Carl Vermilyea was the snare drummer.
"You don't see fifers and drummers actively on the battlefield in today's military of course, but we still use them for ceremonial purposes."
The Civil Rights Movement was an important part of local history. Regina Joseph with the Tallahassee Community Action Committee was telling people about that.
"We're here to educate people to know that we do have that deep, rich history that echoes even to the 1800s and going on until today so they can be a part of making a difference."
And famed Florida Archeologist Andy Hemmings brought a life-size replica of a long-dead animal.
"A life-sized cast of an adult mastodon from 22,000 years ago found in the Aucilla back in 1968."
North Florida, as it turns out, being full of animals and people as the lands to the north lay under giant glaciers during that last ice age.