One of Tallahassee’s most popular events returns on March 23rd. But anyone who wants to savor items from the Jewish Food Festival menu will have to order the food online no later than this Sunday.
The last festival at Tallahassee’s Temple Israel happened just as the COVID pandemic was getting underway. To keep things safe, event co-chair Bonnie Burk said there are two options this year. But both require pre-ordering the food online by this Sunday, March 9.
“Basically, you’re going to swing by, grab it, take it on home and eat it. If you wanted to order sandwiches, that will be prepared and stay onsite and eat them, we’ll have a tent and tables and chairs and things like that.”
Still, the idea is to give the food preparers plenty of time to meet the expected demand. The advance order menu includes delicacies such as motzo ball soup, bulk orders of corned beef and pastrami, and lots of homemade baked goods.