Franklin County’s Elder Care Community Council has only been around since 2016. But the need for its services has grown so fast that Council President Bonnie Kellogg said the demand is now starting to outstrip the resources available to provide those services.
“We’re providing food for 100 to 110 senior citizens every day, Monday through Friday. And these are home-cooked meals, not frozen meals like some organizations provide.”
For seniors who are shut ins and unable to travel to the historic Holy Family Community Center in Apalachicola for meals and other activities, volunteers make home deliveries of the hot meals. This also gives them a chance to do a client welfare check.
Because of this, the “Three-Triple-C” – as the council is known – is holding its first Stepping Out for Seniors event. Council Secretary/Treasurer Betsy Nofziger said the gala fundraiser is happening this weekend.
“We’re going to gather at 5:30 in the historic Holy Family Senior Center. That building is owned by the City of Apalachicola and they let the E-Triple-C use the building for our senior programs weekdays and then for special events like this Stepping Out for Seniors event we have on Saturday, October 19th.”
The event will feature food, fellowship and fun. Music will be provided by Barrels of Funk from Tallahassee.