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A giant model train show comes to Tallahassee this weekend

Just one example of the spectacular realism possible in the modern T-Trak format of model railroading.
Andy Zimmerman - used with permission
Just one example of the spectacular realism possible in the modern T-Trak format of model railroading.

One of the Southeast's largest model railroad shows happens in Tallahassee this weekend. The Big Bend Model Railroad Association is hosting the event.

Association President Andy Zimmerman is a big fan of the new T-Trak modular layouts that are essentially reality in miniature.

"I've got working train signals that only work when the train goes by. You've got buildings that, when the outside lights go off, then all of a sudden the building lights come on, like people turning on the lights in their hotel rooms."

Zimmerman said the latest and greatest in hi-tech trains will be at the 33rd Annual Show and Sale. But there's also something for those who love the classic model trains of the past.

"We brought in some 'O' scale vendors who have 'O' scale parts. So when you're trying to repair your grandfather's or great grandfather's old Lionel engines, suddenly you have an heirloom you can pass on to your grandkids."

New this year is a group of quilters who specialize in railroad-themed quilts. The 33rd Annual Big Bend Railroad Association Show and Sale happens this Saturday and Sunday at the North Florida Fairgrounds.

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Tom Flanigan has been with WFSU News since 2006, focusing on covering local personalities, issues, and organizations. He began his broadcast career more than 30 years before that and covered news for several radio stations in Florida, Texas, and his home state of Maryland.

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