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Tallahassee volunteers are building a replica of Florida's very first capitol building

The initial part of the construction was the careful alignment of the massive timbers that will form the foundation of the cabin.
Tom Flanigan
The initial part of the construction was the careful alignment of the massive timbers that will form the foundation of the cabin.

A full-size replica of Tallahassee's very first capitol building is now under construction in a large, vacant room under the AC Marriott Hotel at Cascades Park. The start of the project, which is part of the community's Bicentennial Celebration, took place on Saturday, June 8.

Power tools whined and volunteers scurried about Saturday morning, forming the foundation for the structure. Frank Terraferma with the Friends of the Old Capitol organization welcomed the workers.

"So this is something very exciting and historical. We're building an interpretation, a rendition, of the very first capitol, which was a simple log cabin started in April of 2024."

Local boy scouts and other volunteers built a "first capitol" replica for Tallahassee's Centennial celebration in 1924.
Florida Memory Project - State Archives
Local boy scouts and other volunteers built a "first capitol" replica for Tallahassee's Centennial celebration in 1924.

Although work supervisor, Antoine Wright with Big Bend Habitat for Humanity, admitted the cabin wouldn't be an exact replica of the original.

"It's going to have that authentic feel. It's going to look like a log cabin from 200 years ago, but it's going to be able to withstand hurricane force winds and to be built to today's standards, the way we build all of our homes."

Most of the work should be done over the next few weekends. Total completion is expected by Labor Day.

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Tom Flanigan has been with WFSU News since 2006, focusing on covering local personalities, issues, and organizations. He began his broadcast career more than 30 years before that and covered news for several radio stations in Florida, Texas, and his home state of Maryland.

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