At the start of this year, Tallahassee Mayor John Dailey set up a citizens' advisory council to address the needs of the LGBTQ-plus community. That group held an open online listening session on Saturday, Oct. 10. For more than an hour, dozens of participants, such as Nate Myers, talked about the challenges facing the community's LGBTQ-plus residents.
"They are an at-risk population. We see that many people have to go back into the closet in their later years for fear of discrimination and mistreatment," he remarked.
Among the suggestions was setting up a stand-alone service facility, similar to the City's Senior Center, as one participant commented:
"Maybe something that is a specific LGBTQ-plus resource center."
Next up, said the council's Andy Janecek, is a November meeting to get ready for a second year of existence.
"At that meeting, we'll identify our first cohort of chair and vice-chair to lead us into the new year."
And continue the council's purpose of increasing inclusivity within Tallahassee.