Once again, Tallahassee will be the scene of a rockin’ good time on Saturday, August 19th to help in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.
David Wheeler’s day job is as an educator at Premier Health and Fitness. But around this time of year he takes on the additional job of organizing and promoting the Purple Willie Jam.
“This is an homage to my dad,” he explained. “His nickname was ‘Willie’; purple is the color of Alzheimer’s, so he’s ‘Purple Willie’ and we put sunglasses on him and now it’s ‘Purple Willie Jams.’”
Although this is just the 3rd year for the fund-raiser, Wheeler said it already has a rather distinguished history.
“The first year I conceived of this, I thought, ‘We’ll get together, hear a little music, raise a few hundred dollars, nobody gets hurt or sued, it’s all good.’ First year, $1,500, last year, $1,700, this year hoping to crack the $2,000 barrier.”
As far as the entertainment goes for Purple Willie Jam Three, Wheeler said it will recapitulate the lineup for Purple Willie Jam One.
“Two of my original bands are back again this year, Hal Shows and his latest project he’s calling the ‘D’Amnesiacs’, and the Fried Turkeys and they call their music ‘greasy, hippie, roots, country.’”
Master Tallahassee sound mixer J.B. Ritter will make sure every note is clean and balanced. Meanwhile the venue for the occasion is also a throwback to the very first event.
“We’re back at Krewe de Gras this year in Midtown,” Wheeler said. “It’s a wonderful place to go for a show. It’s so convenient. And the Crepe Shoppe next door will be open late so you can get a bite.”
Wheeler added there are plenty of ways to find out more before you go.
“Our website is: www.purplewilliejam.com. You can read about the bands, you can find a map to the location. We’re also on Facebook: Facebook event Purple Willie Jam III.”
It all happens Saturday, August 19th with proceeds going to the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.