The family of a South Georgia teen are now turning to students for answers in Kendrick Johnson’s death. Johnson was found dead in a gym mat about two years ago at his Valdosta high school.
At a press conference Tuesday morning, Chevene King—the lawyer for Johnson’s family—said new information could mean there were witnesses to what led up to Johnson’s death—25 to be exact. And, he appealed to the parents of those potential witnesses.
“You are the parents of 25 either current or former Lowndes high school students who rode on a bus that transported Lowndes County high school wrestling team to a tournament in Macon, Georgia, January 10, 2013,” said King.
That’s the day Kendrick died. A day later, he was found by Lowndes high students. Johnson’s parents believe he was killed. But, sheriff’s investigators ruled his death a freak accident, after they say he got stuck upside down inside the mat. King says authorities can’t know for sure if not everyone was questioned.
“We found out that school officials excused your children from classes, starting at 11:32 that same morning,” said King. “That means those same kids were on the campus when most of us thought that they were not. And, it’s the reason that everybody including the police failed to ask crucial questions of them because they assumed that they were not there.”
He added, “We’re asking you to talk to your children to ask them the questions that the police did not to find out what they know and please share everything that you can with the U.S. Attorney’s office or our attorneys.”
A federal investigation into Johnson’s death revealed no findings. Meanwhile, Johnson’s family has lawsuits pending against Lowndes High school and the district school board.
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