Florida voters could be asked to open the state’s primaries to everyone, regardless of party affiliation. The Florida Supreme Court has approved the “All…
The Restoration of Voting Rights Work Group has approved a list of recommendations to send to the legislature. One proposal would enhance the Clerk of…
Most Florida felons had their voting rights restored after the passage of 2018’s Amendment 4. Earlier this year the legislature put in place a law that…
An amendment allowing felons to register to vote in Florida has been in effect since January 8th, but verifying which felons are eligible has proven…
The American Civil Liberties Union is challenging the constitutionality of a law that allows certain felons to vote but requires them to pay any fees…
The Florida Supreme Court has agreed to answer Governor Ron DeSantis’s question about whether the state can make felons pay restitution, fines, and fees…
After a new law allowing some felons to regain the right to vote went into effect, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit calling the…
The constitutionality of a Florida 2018 amendment allowing certain felons to vote after paying back fines, fees, and restitution is now at question. That…
During a hearing Thursday, U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle asked lawyers to weigh in on whether a 2018 amendment allowing certain felons to vote is…
Thousands of felons throughout the state are now eligible to vote, thanks to Amendment 4 and Governor Ron DeSantis signing the implementing bill into law.…