Governor Ron DeSantis signed a tax bill Wednesday that is estimated to save Florida families nearly $47 million during two sales tax holidays. Another…
Florida Governor Rick Scott is proposing a raft of tax cuts amounting to $180 million.The governor’s tax cut package includes three sales tax holidays for…
It may be a shell of its former self, but Thursday, Senate lawmakers moved forward with a tax cut package for the coming year. The proposal seems likely…
Florida lawmakers dealt another blow to Governor Rick Scott’s budget priorities Thursday, when the Senate Appropriations Committee pushed through a scaled…
The Florida Senate has rolled out a plan its education budget chairman says is aimed at creating parity between state and local funding for school…
The House and Senate gave tentative approval Thursday to competing spending plans that hover around $80 billion. Republicans touted tax cuts while…
House lawmakers approved a wide-ranging tax plan Wednesday. The House package would cut just shy of one billion dollars in taxes.Just ahead of Wednesday’s…
House lawmakers seem to be whistling past the graveyard—preparing to push forward a billion dollars in tax cuts similar to those championed by Governor…
Florida Governor Rick Scott made his billion dollar tax cut pitch before a senate tax panel Monday. Lawmakers also took up a handful of other tax…
Governor Rick Scott’s $79 billion spending plan for the upcoming fiscal year echoes proposals of old—tax cuts for businesses, and more money for economic…