Governor Rick Scott kicked off his “Jobs Jamboree” tour in Miami Monday, in lieu of traditional inaugural events.Instead of an inaugural ball or parade,…
Florida’s 2014 election cycle ended with disappointment for Democrats and many victories for Republicans.Florida GOP wins include the gubernatorial race,…
Florida’s Cabinet will look exactly the same as it did when they were elected in 2010. In this election recap, we'll look at their respective races,…
Florida’s gubernatorial race is expected to be a tight one, and there’s been a lot of ads flying back and forth between the candidates trying to tip the…
A former Republican lawmaker is taking fellow Republican Governor Rick Scott to task over an attack ad, and he along with another Charlie Crist supporter…
A national report airing on CNN Wednesday accuses Florida Gov. Rick Scott of engaging in “pay-to-play” politics by accepting money and fundraising help…
Almost as soon as former Florida Governor Charlie Crist announced Monday what everyone had known for months – that he’ll run for governor in 2014 –…
The Florida Democratic Party is launching a campaign to expose who they say is the “Real Rick Scott”. Party officials say defeating Scott will be a…
For the second time since the Civil War, Florida voters have elected a black Republican to the statehouse. The Republican Party is hoping Mike Hill’s…
You may not think the GOP would greet President Barack Obama with open arms. But, a Republican Florida Congressman as well as the head of the state’s…