Florida ranks among the top states for human trafficking and while there are no accurate figures as to the number of people involved in sex trafficking,…
Sex trafficking survivors and their advocates are divided on a measure aimed at identifying victims. Lynn Hatter reports the proposal requires hotel staff…
January is designated as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. A recent case of trafficking in Leon County is prompting organizations…
Momentum has stalled for a bill that would have allowed human trafficking victims to sue hotels that do not take action and train employees to prevent…
A bill that would allow sex-trafficking survivors to sue hotels that turn a blind eye to their abuse is moving in the Florida Senate. Some lawmakers worry…
The month of January is dedicated to raising awareness of human trafficking. But, the Florida House and the Senate want to make awareness a year round…
As part of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, law enforcement officials and other stakeholders are coming together to make sure Floridians know what to…
This month is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and there are ways local residents can help combat the modern slavery practice. Speaking on WFSU’s public…
State Representative Ross Spano is the latest Republican to enter the 2018 race for Florida Attorney General.Since 2012, Spano—a lawyer from Dover—has…
An organization that deals a lot with human trafficked kids says it’s important to go into the schools and educate potential victims early about…