FDOT was inundated with complaints that Midtown businesses would be harder to access
Commissioner Rick Minor says spending Blueprint money on affordable housing efforts could shortchange road improvements.
A large number of dogs were looking for permanent homes in Tallahassee over the weekend.
The district suffered devastating damage caused by tornados that touched down in the area earlier this month.
The proposal comes from the Capital Area Justice Ministry, whose idea is to use Blueprint’s infrastructure funds to buy land and help subsidize the development of affordable rentals.
The development now underway is already a done deal, but some hope to influence local officials going forward
Aims to create an I-10 interchange to alleviate regional traffic congestion
As some elected officials spar over the agency's governance, others face depositions
Members of the Capital Area Justice Ministry came to Blueprint’s board of directors with a plan to use Blueprint money to buy the land
It’s the latest step in Blueprint’s plans to connect neighborhoods in southwest Tallahassee to parks, greenways and the Apalachicola National Forest.