Florida’s sheriffs have come out in opposition to a Republican proposal to expand medical marijuana. But Sen. Jeff Brandes’ (R-St. Petersburg) bill is getting a favorable reception from the minority party.
A medical marijuana initiative nearly passed on last November’s ballot, and the response from voters has prompted Republican lawmakers like Sen. Brandes to put the issue on the agenda for the upcoming session. Democrats have filed proposals for years, and House Minority leader Mark Pafford (D-West Palm Beach) says he’s glad the move is gaining a foothold.
“What that looks like, I don’t know,” Pafford says. “Sen. Brandes, I’m glad he’s filed it, because that really does deserve a very open debate, and I think the state needs to move beyond Charlotte’s Web.”
Last year the Legislature passed a law allowing limited use of non-euphoric marijuana—often referred to as Charlotte’s Web, a particular brand of low-THC cannabis oil. But the arduous process of implementing that law has fueled interest in expanding medical marijuana in the state.