Florida Governor Rick Scott laid out his budget proposal Wednesday.
The governor’s spending wish list includes the more than $500 million in tax breaks he’s been promising during campaign-style events around the state. Some will probably mean more money in the average person’s pocket – like a reduction in the cost to register a car. Others are aimed more directly at businesses-- like a plan to decrease the filing fees to operate in Florida. Scott says it’s all part of his plan to give the state’s surplus back to the people.
“Over the last three years we’ve cut taxes 24 times and now we’re going to give another $500-million back to Florida’s families. Our tax record in these four budgets represents a sharp contrast to the four budgets before we took office," Scott said.
Scott’s budget also includes what he calls $287-million in "savings." But the explanation from his budget office about exactly where those savings come from is vague. For instance, the budget plans to save the state $175-million in “costs avoided or services added.” Democrats wasted little time Wednesday in calling the budget an election year stunt.