Slow drivers, beware. A new Florida law bans driving more than 10 miles per hour under the speed limit in the left lane when you know another car is trying to pass.
It’s already a law that drivers in the left lane who are not going a reasonable speed must move over and let faster drivers pass them. The new law defines exactly what that reasonable speed is: within 10 miles per hour of the posted limit. Violators can face a $60 ticket.
Capt. Nancy Rasmussen, with the Florida Highway Patrol said, now it’ll be easier for police to enforce the rule.
“We can use the same tools that we use for speeding violation, so our radar or laser or even aircraft," she said.
Rasmussen said, although speedier drivers must be allowed to pass on the left, the law isn’t an excuse for breaking the speed limit in order to pass someone.
The law, which goes into effect July 1, has an exception for drivers making a left-hand turn.
For more news from Jessica Palombo, follow her on Twitter at @Jessica_WFSU.