By Tom Flanigan
Tallahassee, FL – Florida Rick Scott has signed a controversial bill that makes big changes to the state's voting law. Tom Flanigan reports, despite ongoing opposition by voting rights groups, Florida's Secretary of State thinks the changes are needed.
Under the new law, voters will have to cast provisional ballots if they make any changes to their names or addresses on Election Day. During the legislative debate on the bill weeks ago, Florida U-S Senator Bill Nelson thought that was a terrible idea.
"Fifty-five percent of the people who cast a provisional ballot in the last presidential election, their vote did not count."
Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning insists that wouldn't be the case today. The new law also means tighter controls on voter registration drives like those conducted by the League of Women Voters, as well as fewer days for early voting. Browning says he's fine with that.
"We believe that this is a good bill that this certainly closes up some gaps in our code."
The Republican majority in the Florida Legislature that passed the bill insist it's a voter fraud prevention measure. Opponents say it will suppress Democratic turnout in the 2012 presidential election.