The League of Women Voters of Florida is naming key areas where they believe the State fell short during the 2012 election. The League released its suggestions on Thursday for improving Florida election laws.
The League said African-American voters, specifically during early and absentee voting, were disenfranchised under the elections rules the Florida Legislature passed in 2011. The group’s President, Deidre Macnab, said the state’s policies are making Florida look bad.
“We have simply got to put election problems and election embarrassment behind the state if we are going to attract new corporations and new business development to the State of Florida, and show them that we can provide this most essential liberty to our citizens without havoc,” Macnab said.
The League suggested modernizing voter registration to a national, digital, standard, and giving supervisors of elections more choice for early voting locations. And, Macnab said, increasing the number of early voting days and absentee ballot security are at the top of the reform list.