A disability advocacy group is challenging proposed rules on how people with disabilities receive funding for services through Medicaid from the state. The group says the rules being crafted are vague and don’t comply with Florida law.
Disability Rights Florida says the Agency for Persons with Disabilities is going beyond the scope of the law that outlines how much funding is allocated to people with disabilities for services. They also say in some cases, the proposed rule is unclear and vague. But the Agency says the agency is working to resolve the dispute before the rule is finalized.
“Our goal is to have the best rule possible so we want everybody’s good ideas," said APD spokeswoman Melanie Mowry-Etters
Disability Rights Florida’s attorneys say they’re willing to continue with talks on the rule. It says it had to file the challenge now due to a deadline. There are more than 20,000 disabled Floridians who are on a waiting list for services.