State Senator Gary Siplin has to pay a three-thousand dollar fine for breaking Florida’s campaign finance laws. As Sascha Cordner reports, the Florida Elections Commission agreed to the settlement because of violations during the Orlando lawmaker’s 2008 re-election campaign.
Democratic Senator Gary Siplin is accused of receiving more campaign contributions than is allowed from an industry group. He’s also accused of not fully disclosing the contact information of poll workers who were paid by his campaign. So, Siplin asked the state’s Elections Commission to allow him to pay a 3-thousand dollar fine instead of taking his case to court. And, the Commission considered his request Tuesday.
“FEC 10-010 Gary Siplin. Commissioner [Barbra] Stern? Okay, there’s a motion to approve the consent order," said Commission Chairman Tim Holladay.
"I second that," replied panel member Alia S. Faraj-Johnson.
"Okay, there’s a second by Faraj-Johnson. Any discussion? Hearing none. All those in favor? [Aye!] Any opposed. It’s unanimous,” said Holladay.
Currently, Siplin can’t run for re-election due to term limits. But, he is facing an ethics complaint over accusations that he’s using his office to help promote his wife, Victoria Siplin, who’s running in his place.