Florida’s public colleges and universities could lose about $164 million under budget cut proposals rolled out Monday in the House.
Earlier in the month a house budget committee took aim at what it said was out of control spending by university foundations—the groups charged with fundraising for the schools. Now its looking to stop those foundation employees from being paid with public money.
Florida's colleges and universities are also sitting on more than a billion dollars of reserves. Money the House is eyeing.
The chamber's plan calls for the universities to see a cut of $110 million while colleges would be scaled down by $61 million . Reserves would be trimmed by 25 percent and 22 percent respectively.
The issue of funding, specifically to the universities, may be challenged in the Senate. Senate President Joe Negron wants to increase their funding. But colleges may not get a break—the Senate is also proposing cuts to that system. For WFSU News, I’m Lynn Hatter.