This year Florida’s colleges are trying to get in on the state’s performance funding scheme for higher education.
The colleges want Florida lawmakers to award them additional funds based upon how well they do in terms of graduation rates and other metrics: similar to how universities now get extra dollars. Florida College System Chancellor Randy Hanna says what the colleges will be evaluated on is still under consideration:
" I think you’ll see a focus on completions, time and cost to degree, I think you’ll also see a focus on the percentage of students who leave the Florida college system either moving on into higher education or getting a job," he said.
Florida's public colleges and universities are increasingly trying to find ways to justify their keep as Florida leaders demand more accountability from them—especially when it comes to how money is being spent and whether students are graduating and getting jobs. The institutions are hoping if they can show lawmakers they are making progress, the legislature and governor will be more inclined to boost the base dollar amount schools receive, which makes up the bulk of their funding.
Florida's universities are asking for $80 million dollars in performance funding this year.