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State Office Closures

The Capitol Building



From the Department of Management Services:  Today, Department of Management Services (DMS) announced the state office buildings in Tallahassee will be open. State employees that work in a building without power should follow their agency Secretary’s direction.  The following office buildings are closed due to power outage:

·         Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission – BERKLEY BUILDING.  If you work in this office, you will be contacted by your supervisor to advise if you need to report for work tomorrow.  Essential staff as determined by supervisors will work from the Bryant Building.  Koger Center management staff will be at the Berkley Building at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning to provide access if anyone needs to retrieve items needed for work.

·         Department of Management Services– DIVISION OF RETIREMENT, WINEWOOD COMPLEX. This division remains without power. In accordance with the Division’s Continuity of Operations Plan or COOP, Division leadership will work from 2450 Shumard Oak Blvd. (Department of Revenue Building) on Tuesday, September 6th.  All Division staff will receive notification tonight from their supervisor regarding their essential/non-essential status. All non-essential Winewood Complex Division of Retirement employees will be asked to remain home on Tuesday, September 6.All Division of Retirement Contact Center and Research and Education Section employees should report to work, as this separate work location is fully operational.

·         Department of Children and Families (DCF) – WINEWOOD OFFICE COMPLEX. This complex remains without power at this time and the decision has been made to keep the office closed for tomorrowTuesday September 6th. Staff who have the ability to work from home should do so provided the home location has power and data connectivity. For those leadership staff who wish to come to Winewood, the Hotline Conference Room will be available on the 4th Floor of Building 5.  This location has full generator power and wireless connectivity for access to the network. General services staff and security guards will be available at Winewood buildings beginning at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday for staff who wish to pick up laptops or other work necessities.  Entrance must be made through the main doors to the buildings at the guard stations.  Please bring a flashlight with you as many interior areas remain dark. The DCF Headquarters Emergency Information Line will remain up to date with the latest information, please check back often at  850-717-4458. Power is expected to be fully restored by Tuesday for work on Wednesday.  Additional information will be communicated via email and the emergency information line.

·         Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) -  SPRINGHILL BUILDING. The Springhill facility does not have power. Employees will be directed to report to the Rhyne and Burns buildings where temporary office space will be made available. FDOT has three office buildings in Tallahassee. Our two main buildings, the Burns Building and Rhyne Building have power and are fully functional.

·         Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) –  BOB MARTINEZ CENTER. The Bob Martinez Center will remained closed to ensure employee safety due to downed lines and no power. Unless these conditions changeonly essential employees housed in that building are expected to report for work tomorrow. Essential employees who can telecommute (have phone and Internet access to work from home) may be able do so tomorrow. Essential employees who are unable to telecommute, as well as all division directors who work in the BMC, should plan to report to the Douglas Building tomorrow morning. Directors will be reaching our to essential employees this evening to discuss further.  If power returns to the BMC and DMS reopens the building, we will notify employees as soon as possible. Any employees with questions are encouraged to reach out to their supervisors.

·         Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) ALEXANDER BUILDING. The Alexander building that houses a smaller headquarters component does not have power. Those staff can work remotely on the 6th unless power is restored. A message is on DJJ's emergency operations line for Alexander building staff to check on updated status.      
