Developers at the Tallahassee Mall, now called the Center of Tallahassee, want to expand the size of their planned amphitheater. But community members are worried about the noise.
Rather than making room for about 7,000 people, developers want to expand their plans, proposing instead an amphitheater to seat 10,000 They brought that plan before the city’s Development Review Committee Monday, but some raised concerns about increased traffic and noise. Tallahassee development administrator, Keith Burnsed says experts can learn from experiences at Cascade Park’s amphitheater, but he points out there are differences.
“Differences in topography and surrounding conditions. Theres’s differences of this is surrounded by buildings. It’s in the middle of an existing retail center and it’s a different number of people,” Burnsed said.
The Review Committee will continue the discussion during its next meeting. Meanwhile, the Tallahassee City Commission is holding a public hearing on the center Wednesday. The commission will also be talking about a sound ordinance.