Starting Monday, Okaloosa County residents and those from other nearby counties can submit concealed weapons permit applications at the Okaloosa County’s Tax Collector office.
In addition to the eight regional offices of the Florida Department of Agriculture, Okaloosa County Tax Collector Ben Anderson says he’s excited to provide another source for applying for a permit.
“We’ll actually be processing the applications for citizens beginning at the west end of the state with Escambia County, moving east, and we expect to receive customers from Bay County and Franklin County all the way up to Jackson County, and covering the entire Northwest Florida area,” said Anderson.
Anderson says those wishing to apply should set an appointment, though that doesn’t mean walk-ins will be excluded from applying. Different forms of ID and a gun safety course certificate are required.
As part of a new law, Okaloosa was one of five areas chosen to help the state Agriculture department this year process the applications to meet a growing demand of state applicants. The department will still issue the permits, but Anderson says the new system should speed up the process.
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