By Lynn Hatter
Tallahassee, FL – School districts across the state are worried about Governor Rick Scott's plan to cut more than three-billion dollars out of the education budget. About half of that money comes from a 700-dollar drop in per student spending. Lynn Hatter reports, during Tuesday's meeting of the Leon County School Board, Superintendent Jackie Pons called the proposal reckless.
In addition to the drop in per student funding, Governor Scott is also proposing not to replace 1.5 billion in federal stimulus money. Leon's Superintendent Jackie Pons says the proposal would mean a 22-million dollar hit to the district ten percent of its budget.
"Education belongs to Independents, Republicans and Democrats. All those individuals depend on us to educate their children, our children. And we can do better than this. And again, I consider it to be reckless, it's a reckless budget, and that's the only way I can say it and be honest about it and be truthful."
Leon Public Schools have lost more than 50-million dollars over the last three years due to budget cuts. The school board has been putting money away in reserves, but there isn't enough of it saved up to sustain the kinds of cuts Scott is proposing.