Tallahassee, FL – When Tallahassee's pet-assisted therapy volunteers gathered for a Sunday social, it was with their dogs - including Wishbone, who uses a wheelchair and needs a home. Margie Menzel reports.
Like his playmates, Wishbone had a ball at the ComForT social. The group is composed of volunteers and their pets - mostly canine, although there are a few cats and a rabbit - who go into hospitals, nursing homes and schools. But Wishbone isn't a therapy dog yet. He was dropped off at the Tallahassee-Leon Animal Service Center as a puppy, missing his back feet, says Shannon, his foster mom.
"He does have a wheelchair that I'm getting him accustomed to now, so he doesn't have to put too much pressure on his feet or back legs."
Shannon says she'll be very selective about Wishbone's forever family.
I would love to see him go to a family who would make him a therapy dog and use that wheelchair to brighten handicapped kids' lives.
For more information on ComForT, Tallahassee's pet-assisted therapy program, please visit