Proprietor Matt Sampson says it took him 3 years to accumulate the store's initial inventory by pursuing every available source of gently used record
Tallahassee residents can take a trip back in time this weekend during The Capital Chordsmen’s annual harmony concert. Marketing Vice President Bruce…
Summer band camp has returned the practice field at Florida A&M University after a four year furlough. The clinic aims to develop musicianship and boost…
Not many music fans know the name “Bob Weinstock”, but his Prestige Records label was a driving force behind the be-bop jazz, folk, and Latin music…
Join host Dr. Liz Holifield for "411 Teen", a locally produced program created with teen input for a teenage audience. Guests provide insights into topics…
For a former Florida State University music student, this Thursday marks a homecoming to the town where her world-wide music career began.…
A local folk-rock trio has won the first-ever Americana Music Fest Contest sponsored by the Tallahassee-Leon Council on Culture and Arts. Thousands of…
Several local musical acts are slated to perform at the city of Tallahassee’s July Fourth celebration at Tom Brown Park Wednesday. One of those bands is…
Local music acts are competing to win face time with recording industry insiders. The Leon County Council on Culture & Arts is accepting entries in its…
Even with the advent of social media, musicians just can’t replace the exposure gained by touring. The costs of which can bring a band’s success to a…