By Lynn Hatter
Tallahassee, FL – A lawsuit led by the Florida Education Association is aimed at getting Amendment 7 kicked off the 2012 ballot. The amendment would take away the no-aid provision that blocks the state from funding religious organizations. Lawyers for the teachers union says the ballot title and summary is misleading but as Lynn Hatter reports, the state's attorneys disagree.
Daniel Norby represents the Florida Department of State. He says Amendment 7's title, "Religious Freedom" is not misleading because it refers to the section of Florida's Constitution that would be affected should the proposal be approved by voters.
"The title is not asking Floridians to "save" religious freedom, like in the Save the Everglades Case nor is it "Preserve" Religious Freedom, as the ballot title issue in Harris over the Death Penalty. The title here just provides the subject of Amendment 7: religious freedom."
Lawyers for the group trying to get the amendment kicked out say the title and summary are misleading because they don't let voters know that the change could make it mandatory for the state fund religious groups. The judge hearing the case says he'll make a ruling soon. An appeal would most likely follow.